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GastroPsych Pediatric Clinical Case Conference Series

Rome Foundation GastroPsych Clinical Case Conference Series - Session One

Rome Foundation GastroPsych Clinical Case Conference Series - Session Two

Rome Foundation GastroPsych Clinical Case Conference Series - Session Three

Rome Foundation GastroPsych Clinical Case Conference Series - Session Four

Rome Foundation GastroPsych Clinical Case Conference Series - Session Five

Rome Foundation GastroPsych Clinical Case Conference Series - Session Six

Rome Foundation GastroPsych Clinical Case Conference Series - Session Seven

Rome Foundation GastroPsych Clinical Case Conference Series - Session Eight

Back to School with Disorders of Gut Brain Interactions

Psychosocial and Cultural Considerations in GI Behavioral Health

Psychogastroenterology Basic Skills Workshop - 8 CE credits

Hypnosis Techniques in Psychogastroenterology - 3 CE Credits

An introduction to Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Disorders of Gut-Brain Interaction (DGBI) - 7 CE Credits

Behavioral Interventions for DGBI Conditions of the Upper GI Tract

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID)

GI Physiology for the Behavioral Health Provider - 1.5 CE Credits

2023 Pediatric Symposium: Hot Topics in Pediatric DGBI

Grand Rounds - Demystifying Gastroparesis: Lessons from Around the World

Highlights of Lead Papers from the Rome Foundation Global Epidemiology Study

Grand Rounds 2024 - Scientific evidence for a central role of food in IBS

Grand Rounds 2024 - Low FODMAP Diet Dilemmas: A Case-based Approach

Grand Rounds 2024: The 3 step approach to Integrated Psychosocial Care in DGBI

Grand Rounds 2024: Abdominal Bloating and Distension

Grand Rounds 2024: Ten Questions About Functional Dyspepsia (An Interactive Case-based Illustration of New Developments)

Grand Rounds 2024: Abuse, Trauma, and Illness: What is the link?

Grand Rounds: Communication Skills

Grand Rounds: Sociocultural aspects of the assessment and treatment of patients with DGBI

Grand Rounds: Diet and DGBI

Grand Rounds: Post Covid-19 DGBI

Grand Rounds: Evidence supporting Brain-Gut Behavioral Therapies (BGBT) and Integrated Care to Improve access through Mental Health

Grand Rounds: Deep Dive Into Central Neuromodulators

Grand Rounds: DGBI in Pediatric Populations

Grand Rounds: Gastroparesis vs FD

Grand Rounds: History of Disorders of Gut-Brain Interaction - DGBI (Functional GI Disorders)

Grand Rounds: DGBI Overlapping with Organic Disease

Grand Rounds: Initial Approach to a Patient with Severe Chronic Abdominal Pain: How to Engage, Educate and Achieve Collaborative Care

Grand Rounds - Demystifying Gastroparesis: Lessons from Around the World copy 1

Highlights of Lead Papers from the Rome Foundation Global Epidemiology Study copy 1

Grand Rounds 2024 - Scientific evidence for a central role of food in IBS copy 1

GastroPsych Clinical Case Conference Series

GastroPsych - Integrating Group Therapy into GI Behavioral Health Practice

Grand Rounds 2024 - Low FODMAP Diet Dilemmas: A Case-based Approach

Grand Rounds: The 3 step approach to Integrated Psychosocial Care in DGB

Grand Rounds: Abdominal Bloating and Distension

Grand Rounds: Ten Questions About Functional Dyspepsia (An Interactive Case-based Illustration of New Developments)

Grand Rounds: Abuse, Trauma, and Illness: What is the link?

Grand Rounds: ACG vs AGA IBS Guidelines and Clinical Application

Rome Foundation Virtual Pediatric Symposium - 0 CE Credits

The Rome Foundation Forums

Complimentary Courses

Grand Rounds - Demystifying Gastroparesis: Lessons from Around the World_1
Grand Rounds - Demystifying Gastroparesis: Lessons from Around the World copy 1

Grand Rounds - Demystifying Gastroparesis: Lessons from Around the World copy 1

A Rome Foundation Continuing Medical Education program


This discussion-style and interactive program will be geared towards practitioners and other individuals interested in learning about advancements in gastroparesis.


1. To understand the clinical spectrum of gastroparesis and differentiation from functional dyspepsia

2. To discuss the role of novel diagnostics such as gastric mapping, FLIP, and full-thickness biopsies

3. To appraise clinical trials and the future of drug development for gastroparesis

These presentations will be followed by a Q&A session and panel discussion.

Part 1: This will be a brief overview of gastroparesis epidemiology and clinical presentation by Dr. Grover. Working with the Gastroparesis Clinical Research Consortium, Dr. Grover has participated in over 60 clinical and translational studies in gastroparesis and is a leading authority on disease mechanisms. He has a busy practice of gastroparesis patients. He will share recent epidemiological studies as well as insights on clinical presentation.

Part 2: Dr. Carbone is an internationally recognized researcher in GI motility disorders and played key roles in developing international consensus statements on gastroparesis and functional dyspepsia. Using a case-based approach, Dr. Carbone will lead discussion on the diagnosis of gastroparesis, challenges with gastric emptying study and how to conceptualize gastroparesis and functional dyspepsia in a spectrum. Dr. Carbone and Dr. Grover will discuss emerging changes in diagnostic landscape including the use of surface mapping and pyloric assessments using FLIP and gastroduodenal manometry.

Part 3: Dr. Keszthelyi is a clinician-scientist and an authority in the area of treatment trials for GI motility disorders including gastroparesis and functional dyspepsia. Using case-based approach, Dr. Keszthelyi and Dr. Grover will discuss recent advancements in pharmacotherapy, gastric electrical stimulator and pyloric treatments. They will appraise data from both successful and failed clinical trials and how they can allow us to learn about the disease and plan future trials. Additionally, they will discuss how gastroparesis treatments of the future should be designed based on the emerging molecular data.

Presented by:
   Madhusudan Grover, MD

Special Guests:
   Prof. Daniel Keszthelyi, MD PhD
   Florencia Carbone, PhD

Lead Papers Highlights from the Rome Foundation Global Epidemiology Study_1
Highlights of Lead Papers from the Rome Foundation Global Epidemiology Study copy 1

Highlights of Lead Papers from the Rome Foundation Global Epidemiology Study copy 1

A Rome Foundation Continuing Medical Education program

The groundbreaking Rome Foundation Global Epidemiology Study (RFGES) has now published over 40 papers with many others in preparation. 

It serves as the reference paper for practice and research on the Disorders of Gut-Brain Interactions (DGBI) and its initial paper “Worldwide Prevalence and Burden of Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders, Results of Rome Foundation Global Study” is now approaching 1,000 citations, making it the leading reference in the field.

In this session of the Rome Foundation Grand Rounds, we will present an introduction to the RFGES and its methodology and highlight three of its leading papers:

-Greater Overlap of Rome IV Disorders of Gut-Brain Interactions Leads to Increased Disease Severity and Poorer Quality of Life. Presenter, Ami Sperber

-Novel Irritable Bowel Syndrome Subgroups are Reproducible in the Global Adult Population. Presenter, Chris Black

-Symptom profiles compatible with disorders of gut-brain interaction (DGBI) in organic gastrointestinal diseases: A global population-based study. Presenter, Tom van Gils

Presented by:
   Ami Sperber, MD, MSPH, RFF
   Olafur Palsson, PsyD
   Chris Black, PhD, MRCP
   Tom van Gils, MD PhD

Scientific evidence for a central role of food in IBS_1
Grand Rounds 2024 - Scientific evidence for a central role of food in IBS copy 1

Grand Rounds 2024 - Scientific evidence for a central role of food in IBS copy 1

This symposium from the newly formed Rome Foundation Diet and Nutrition section provides updates about the scientific evidence that supports the relevance of food in symptom generation in IBS and the use of various dietary interventions in the management of patients with IBS.

The symposium starts with a general overview on the role of food in the pathophysiology with IBS by Rome Foundation Board Member Magnus Simrén, University of Gothenburg, Sweden, and continues with two lectures dedicated to the current dietary interventions used to treat symptoms in IBS by Caroline Tuck, Swinburne University, Australia and Stine Störsrud, University of Gothenburg, Sweden; the session ends with a general discussion and Q&A, and after the session attendees will have a better knowledge about the scientific basis for a central role for food in the pathophysiology in IBS, and for use of dietary approaches as part of the clinical management of IBS, and how to communicate this to the patients.

Presented by:
   Magnus Simrén, MD, PhD, RFF
   Carolina Tuck, PhD
   Stine Störsrud, RD, PhD

GastroPsych Clinical Case Conference Series, Session 1-8
GastroPsych Clinical Case Conference Series

GastroPsych Clinical Case Conference Series

A Rome Foundation Continuing Medical Education program

Patients with a wide range of gastrointestinal conditions, including functional bowel disorders, gastroparesis, chronic pancreatitis, esophageal conditions, and inflammatory bowel disease may experience brain-gut dysregulation that can impact their symptoms and/or disease experience. In an engaging and practical case series, leading experts in psychogastroenterology will discuss how to utilize psychological interventions with complex and unique GI presentations. Click on the specific session link below to register for that session.

   Session One: Psychological Care for Adults with Chronic Pancreatitis
   Session Two: Behavioral Treatment for Sleep Disturbance in DGBIs
   Session Three: Psychological Intervention with Adolescent/Young Adult Patients with DGBIs
   Session Four: Behavioral Medicine Interventions for Eosinophilic Esophagitis
   Session Five: Psychological Treatment Strategies for Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome
   Session Six: Case Conceptualization and Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment for Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder
   Session Seven: Acceptance and Commitment Therapy with a patient with Inflammatory Bowel Disease and an Ostomy
   Session Eight: GI illness and Sexual Dysfunction

CE Credits: 1 hour of continuing education credit for Licensed Psychologists will be awarded for each seminar. There is no cost to attend. Attendees must complete each seminar's associated evaluation form in order to receive credit.

Integrating Group Therapy into GI Behavioral Health Practice
GastroPsych - Integrating Group Therapy into GI Behavioral Health Practice

GastroPsych - Integrating Group Therapy into GI Behavioral Health Practice

A Rome Foundation Continuing Medical Education program

This training will provide GI behavioral health providers with a foundation of knowledge of how to integrate and then successfully maintain group therapy targeting GI symptoms and psychological well-being into their programs and/or private practices. We will discuss the benefits of group treatment for GI patients, including those with DGBI and IBD, drawing on both empirical data and our own experience (e.g., clinical efficacy and utility, productivity, time management, etc.). We will address logistical issues (e.g., recruitment, scheduling, documentation, confidentiality, the utilization of remote technology, billing, etc.), different types of groups to consider (e.g., CBT, gut-directed hypnotherapy, support groups), and particular issues which might arise with regard to each. We will also address in particular the benefits of providing groups virtually, highlighting increases in access to gastropsych care.
This education would benefit providers developing and providing psychological and behavioral treatments in an integrated practice setting, and could also be helpful for those in a private practice setting looking to diversify treatment offerings.

By the end of this session, participants will be able to:
  • Describe the empirical data supporting group treatment for GI symptoms
  • ​List two logistical components of integrating groups into practice.
  • ​Identify two benefits of offering group treatment for GI patients.
  • ​Explain two clinical challenges that might arise in providing group treatment for GI patients, and how to address each.

Grand Rounds 2024 - Low FODMAP Diet Dilemmas: A Case-based Approach
Grand Rounds 2024 - Low FODMAP Diet Dilemmas: A Case-based Approach

Grand Rounds 2024 - Low FODMAP Diet Dilemmas: A Case-based Approach

This symposium will use a case-based approach to provide answers to questions that commonly arise about the low FODMAP diet when used for patients with IBS:

  1. What is basic dietary advice that can be given to an IBS patient, and how well does it work?
  2. How long should an IBS patient restrict FODMAPs, and what are the risks of prolonged restriction?
  3. How should patients be instructed to reintroduce foods containing FODMAPs?
  4. Are there options for patients who want a dietary approach but feel the traditional low FODMAP diet is impractical or too difficult?
  5. Does the low FODMAP diet offer benefits in all subgroups of patients with IBS?

Presented by:
William D. Chey, MD, AGAF, FACG, FACP, RFF

Marvin Pollard, Professor of Gastroenterology, Professor of Nutrition Sciences Chief, Division of Gastroenterology & Hepatology
Michigan Medicine, Ann Arbor, MI, USA

Nancee B. Jaffe, MS, RDN

Lead Dietitian for the UCLA Vatche and Tamar Manoukian Division of Digestive Diseases

 Grand Rounds: The 3 step approach to Integrated Psychosocial Care in DGB
Grand Rounds: The 3 step approach to Integrated Psychosocial Care in DGB

Grand Rounds: The 3 step approach to Integrated Psychosocial Care in DGB

Objectives for this Grand Rounds include:

 Explain, in patient-friendly terms, the rationale for an integrated approach to DGBI care.

  1. Recognize the existing resources in your practice setting that could help your team build a more integrated psychosocial culture.
  2. Identify who and how to refer patients for higher-level psychological care when needed.

Presented by:
Laurie Keefer, PhD, RFF

Professor of Medicine and Psychiatry
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
New York, NY, USA

 Grand Rounds: Abdominal Bloating and Distension
Grand Rounds: Abdominal Bloating and Distension

Grand Rounds: Abdominal Bloating and Distension

This Rome Foundation Grand Rounds presentation will appeal to individuals interested in evaluating and treating one of the most prevalent cluster of gastrointestinal symptoms – gas and bloating. These symptoms develop for a variety of different reasons. They are reported by a large number of patients with disorders of gut-brain interaction, such as irritable bowel syndrome and functional dyspepsia. The cause can be elusive; the pathophysiology is complex. The speaker will provide his perspective on this disorder, based on his clinical experience treating patients with these symptoms and research in the field.

Objectives for this Grand Rounds include:

● Review the epidemiology of abdominal bloating and distension

● Appreciate the complex pathophysiology of bloating and distension

● Recognize available treatment options

Brian E. Lacy, MD, PhD, FACG, RFF
Professor of Medicine & Senior Associate Consultant
Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, FL, USA

Ten Questions About Functional Dyspepsia
Grand Rounds: Ten Questions About Functional Dyspepsia (An Interactive Case-based Illustration of New Developments)

Grand Rounds: Ten Questions About Functional Dyspepsia (An Interactive Case-based Illustration of New Developments)

Functional dyspepsia is one of the most common and challenging conditions in clinical practice. The last few years have seen major evolutions in the understanding of the disease, its underlying pathophysiology, and the available treatment options. The separation from gastroparesis is an ongoing topic of transatlantic and international debate.

This interactive program will use a case-based approach to reveal some of the current concepts, ongoing controversies, and new information that is likely to be presented at meetings and in the literature later this year.

The program will appeal to clinicians, medical providers, and researchers interested in understanding the complexity of upper gastrointestinal symptoms, their relationship to physiological events such as food intake, and the potential impact of novel pharmacological and dietary therapeutic interventions.

Abuse, Trauma, and Illness: What is the link?
Grand Rounds: Abuse, Trauma, and Illness: What is the link?

Grand Rounds: Abuse, Trauma, and Illness: What is the link?

A Rome Foundation Continuing Medical Education program

Presentation by Douglas A. Drossman, MD With special guests: Lin Chang MD & Johannah Ruddy MEd

This comprehensive program will appeal to individuals interested in unraveling the intricate interplay between abuse, trauma, and gastrointestinal illness.

Part 1 begins with a compelling case report by Dr. Drossman, recounting the journey of his adolescent patient who, having endured early trauma, developed gastrointestinal symptoms. This case spurred Dr. Drossman to pioneer the first study in the medical literature, elucidating this association.

Part 2, presented by Dr. Chang, offers an insightful research update, including her groundbreaking studies into the association between adverse childhood events and gastrointestinal illness, bringing us to the present day.

Part 3, presented by Ms. Ruddy, invites us into the realm of a patient’s experience.

Part 4 concludes the program as Dr. Drossman imparts his clinical experience and insights in caring for these patients to aid healthcare providers.

Grand Rounds: ACG vs AGA IBS Guidelines and Clinical Application
Grand Rounds: ACG vs AGA IBS Guidelines and Clinical Application

Grand Rounds: ACG vs AGA IBS Guidelines and Clinical Application


● Learners will understand the rationale for the IBS guidelines from the AGA and ACG

● Learners will understand how to adapt the guidelines to real world application to make appropriate diagnosis and treatment

Pediatric Symposium
Rome Foundation Virtual Pediatric Symposium - 0 CE Credits

Rome Foundation Virtual Pediatric Symposium - 0 CE Credits

Learn how to manage pediatric Disorders of Gut-Brain Interaction: newborns through adolescents. This symposium will teach the process of evaluation, diagnosis and treatment. In addition we will bring in the complex nature of including the role of the family in management of pediatric patients with DGBI.